Sunday, March 18, 2007

Pilots 2007 - Part 1

Ever wonder what half-baked ideas are in the oven for next TV season? Peer through this heatproof glass. I'm going to do NBC today, but will gradually work my way up to (but not including) the CW. That's because it still doesn't exist. 7th Heaven? If you're still making 7th Heaven, you lose the right to exist.

(confidential to those who clicked that link: I like how of the 23 people who signed the petition to save 7H since Feb 2006, one of them actually wants it to be cancelled and another seems to think that petition=forum. Not a good sign.)

On to NBC:

  • Ft. Pit. One of two offerings from Apostle, so I won't discount it immediately. But the pitch doesn't really set it apart. So there's a police station in a tough part of the city? And this isn't The Oh right, less cursing.
  • Journeyman. So, new rule: if you starred in Homicide, your show gets press on TayVay. Also, this show has someone attached named "Moon Bloodgood". That's three "oo"s and three different sounds for each.
  • Untitled Blake/Shore Project. A cast reunion from 24! Both Nina and George Mason are attached, and I'm intrigued by the "woman in a cop's world" premise. But these Blake/Shore guys worked together on House, which makes me nervous. Blake also has a disturbing amount of David E. Kelley work in his background, which makes me think this could be similar to Studio 60 subplot where all the writers left to write "Peripheral Vision Man". I hope I'm wrong. And speaking of the 24 cast, has anyone else noticed that almost everyone who's ever spoken on 24 has had a role on CSI?
  • M.O.N.Y. Gold. I don't get what it's about or who the actors are, but I'm sold. Fontana and Levinson not only get the HLOTS bump like Journeyman, but they get respek for getting Spike Lee to sign on. I thought he was too busy to run that cable network, but I guess I was wrong. But seriously, what's amazing about Fontana and Levinson isn't the quality they put out, but how little crap their is on their resumes. Fontana's done like 20 things and three of them are Oz, Homicide, and St. Elsewhere. As a proportion of a corpus of work, that's phenomenal.
On to the comedy. And it's not pretty.
  • Actually...
You know, this is too terrible. Let's just say there's a show starring Emannuelle, one based on an IT department, and another that dares to cast Darryl "Chill" Mitchell in a leading role. Yes, by all means, let's give our show to a bit player on the John Larroquette Show who managed to be totally overmatched by Tim Allen. Success!

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