Monday, March 19, 2007

Why Cable News Doesn't Matter

Over the course of this blog, I'm going to make a lot of fun of Fox News. And in turn, people might start to consider me some sort of left-wing nut who just hates FNC for its self-hyped "balance". But the truth is, FNC is the only news channel that has anything to offer in the way of entertainment. CNN, MSNBC, CNBC (which is evidently different): all of them are insufferably boring. There's no zazz, no pop to their programming. Whereas I know that if I turn on FNC at any given time of the day, I'm going to hear about how the Democrats are whiny babies and The Decider is always under attack from the nefarious and nebulous "left-wing". It's like a soothing white noise in the background - meaningless, yet reliable.

But who knows what I get if I watch one of the other networks. They could be covering something important (unlikely) or something incredibly orthogonal to the concept of news (Anna Nicole). Not that FNC is innocent of this, they just frame everything as the War Against The President. I think the other day Neil Cavuto and Brit Hume used the same talking points to claim Anna Nicole was only getting attention so the media didn't have to pay attention to all the good things going on in Iraq.

But ask yourself this, can you at least have a chuckle at FNC? Because I guarantee that the only people to be entertained by CNN in the last 6 years are people stuck in the airport who don't speak English.


JC! said...

Zazz? Is William Murderface ghostwriting your blog?

Dave said...

No. But I do write it while wearing a righteous codpiece.